Transition Coaching

Transition Coaching

Transition coaching is for you if your life has changed in some way and you find yourself struggling, feeling ‘stuck’, experiencing a sense of loss for the life you had before or feeling out of tune with your world. Life changes can be extremely challenging. As a result you can lose your way and also your sense of where you want to go to.

Coaching offers you the opportunity to explore new perspectives and new ways of being, paving the way for you to make a transition to feeling that you are in the right place and that your life is moving forward again.

When we have major change in our lives we can find that:

  • what we expected and wanted in our lives may not be achievable.
  • the things that we thought we wanted are no longer desirable.
  • we drive ourselves so hard that we show ourselves no love or compassion and are no longer able to offer it to others.
  • we adapt and accommodate to the needs of others so that we no longer know or connect with whatever gives us meaning, fulfilment and joy.
  • we get ‘stuck’ and give up on our hopes for ourselves since they seem to be entirely out of reach.
  • we lose ourselves so that we no longer think that what we want for ourselves is important.
  • our family structures can break down and pull family members in different directions, creating a dissonance in the family group.
  • we become isolated; feeling that there is no one tuned into our world and our hopes and dreams for ourselves.

Sometimes we choose the changes in our lives:
moving country, getting married, having a child, studying, changing job, promotion, taking a sabbatical, leaving a relationship.

Sometimes the changes come along anyway:
employment relocation, redeployment, unemployment, ill health, infertility, the end of a relationship, infidelity, children leaving home, separation, divorce, retirement and bereavement.

Whatever the change, coaching is a powerful way to help you find your path and offers you the opportunity to take the lead in your life again. By finding and staying connected to your values and strengths, your power and potential, coaching supports you keep your focus on what you need and want for yourself, ensuring that your transition will bring you to a place that you want to be.

Understanding yourself; your reactions to change and uncertainty; your perspective of the world and your expectations of the people around you are key elements in the process of moving forward comfortably and confidently in your new world, open and responsive to all the opportunities that await you.

As your coach I accompany you on your path. I offer my time and commitment to facilitating the change you choose to bring to your life. With you I will explore and understand what you seek and provide insight and strategic thinking as to how to achieve what is right for you. I’ll be  a companion, cheerleader, helper and resource person; offering my skills to make your journey as fulfilling and complete as possible. Through your transition I will maintain a focus on your strengths and talents and the aspects of life that bring you joy.

Whatever the reason for your decision to start on this journey, it’s your journey, you take the lead, wherever you decide to go I will help you get there.

Contact me at email hidden; JavaScript is required for a complimentary Coaching Discovery Session to explore what you need to bring to your life to make it the one you choose.

What I offer
When I coach I work with you to:

  • enhance your self-awareness
  • recognize your strengths and build on them
  • acknowledge your gifts and achievements
  • appreciate the richness of your life at this moment
  • set goals to move forward to the life you want
  • move you forward to achieve the changes you aspire to
  • celebrate your successes and empower future action and further achievement.

I do this staying conscious of the balance in your life, ensuring that you attend to and take care of yourself; respecting, valuing and having compassion for yourself will be fundamental to your way forward and to achieving the life that you want to create for yourself.

When I coach I bring my own personal experience of a range of transitions either through my own life experience or through people close to me. I’ve lived in 5 different countries in 3 different continents; had several career changes; experienced many challenges in having a baby in the way that I expected; understand many aspects of fertility & adoption; and have had to change the way I perceive the world many times. Some transitions were easy, others brought pain and I lost myself and found myself at least once!

I also draw on  my experience and learning as a senior manager and an M.Sc. in Health Services Management; an M.A. in Psychodynamics of Organisations; my certified training in the Enneagram Personality Typing System, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology and Professional Coaching.

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